Notch Trail


The Notch Trail is a moderate hike that leads you to a spectacular overlook of the White River Valley. This trail involves some climbing and a wooden ladder, but the stunning views make it well worth the effort.

Latitude: 33.54428

Longitude: -84.23381

Length: 14.44 miles


  • Summit Photography
    Echo Lake Runner Adventure
  • Mountain Adventure
    Waterfall Forest Nature Photography
  • Summit Echo
    Journey Mountain Waterfall Morning
  • Sunset Hike
    Adventure Echo Summit Waterfall
  • Summit Excursion
    Nature Journey Echo Adventure
  • Adventure Star
    Excursion Summit Mountain Forest
  • Mountain Trail
    Forest Journey Photography Adventure
  • Exploration Scenery
    Nature Summit Star Runner
  • Star Adventure
    Scenery Forest Waterfall Star


  • restroom